

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Lot Has Changed

Since my last entry, my placement site has changed from Moshi to Dodoma.  Also, I have been in Tanzania for a week and a half! 

While my site placement change was a huge shock and pretty upsetting, I am very happy to be here in Dodoma.  I am currently job hunting at two places: St. Ignatius Primary School and Kidiji cha Matumaini (Village of Hope).  Both are wonderful and beautiful locations.  I’ll keep you posted on developments there, but in the mean time, please enjoy a random list of impressions and thoughts on my first few days here:

1.     -I MISS YOU! Homesickness is nowhere near debilitating, but it’s there.  I think of you often!
2.      -Laura, Sean, and Cristina (my community mates) are great!  (Watching True Blood together already.. what more can I say?)  I am so lucky to have two people who have paved the way for me and are willing to help me adjust to life here. 
3.      -Karibu sana! The people I’ve met have been very, very welcoming.
4.      -Kidogo Kiswahili. I know very little Swahili and I need to learn ASAP!
5.      -I need to practice with drop toilets.  I’ll spare you the details J
6.      -Rain here is incredibly beautiful.  I will enjoy it for the next couple months until Dodoma becomes dry again.
7.      -I am re-learning how to clean everything!  Hand washing laundry, showering from a bucket, doing dishes, etc. 
8.     - I have rhythm, but it’s not Tanzanian rhythm.  It will come.

I love you and miss you all very much and am excited to have more to share soon!

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