

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ten Months In

So it's been a while and here I am, ten months into my two years in Tanzania.  Can you believe it?  I think there were times when we all thought it might not happen, but here we are.  I am feeling a lot more at comfortable here these days, or maybe comfortable with discomfort?  I have some real friends.  I can communicate with people.  I feel effective in some aspects of life.  When really awkward or uncomfortable things happen, I don't freak out so much and I know what to do.

Every once in a while I stop and realize that I have some of what was missing beofre... FUN!  A good example of this feeling happened the other day when I was reading The Three Little Pigs to a class of kindergarteners.  I had the ability to go between Swahili and English to get the point across and ask the kids some questions.  I was even able to manage the class (somewhat).  Without even thinking my "big bad wolf" voice came out (who can stop herself, when reading The Three Little Pigs???)  Immediately the kids and I burst out laughing and could hardly continue.  As we were all laughing together, I thought "ya... this is fun."

The picture at the top here is from Nairobi, where Laura, Liz and I kissed some giraffes and had a great time.  I am hoping to write a retrospective on my travels soon.  Miss you all and love you!!!!

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