

Monday, September 26, 2011

Departure Date.. yikes.

Hey all,

So, I haven't written much of anything on this blog as I still talk to most of you very regularly.  However, I'm trying to develop some good habits before I ship out, so I will (try) to post here more often.  

The big news is that I will be IN Tanzania on December 5th!  When I got that info, things began to feel very real.  I am really doing this!  For the most part, that thought is extraordinarily exciting.  Has anyone seen the episode of 30 Rock where they flash back to Jack's 10th birthday party, at which he gets so excited that he throws up?  Well, I kind of feel like that, with a little fear-induced nausea mixed in.  

Save the date for a big going-away bash Thanksgiving weekend!  Also, if you're talking to anyone in my extended family, please attempt to dispel the rumors that I will be sequestered for three years with no communication with the home or any where else in the world.  I know we're a hard-headed bunch, but do your best.  Feel free to direct them to this blog if they need proof.

Lots of love,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What am I doing?

I've been asking myself that more and more as I get closer and closer to leaving my SF home for two years.  In December I will depart for Moshi, Tanzania where I will join a community of other Jesuit Volunteers and teach at St. Mary Goretti High School.  While I have fears and hesitations, I'm also so excited to get going and see where this journey takes me!

I'll be using this blog as way to share my experiences and reflections with anyone who might be interested. Knowing myself, there are bound to be some hard times, great times, and plenty of embarrassing moments read about along the way.

Check back in for a little insight into why I chose to work abroad, and in particular, why I chose JVC!